Tuesday, October 03, 2006

JAOO Day Two - Tuesday

The day started with a really interesting keynote by Guy Steele from Sun Microsystems. He is a language designer and the father of Scheme (lisp dialect used in Emacs among other things). The talk was about an interesting new language under development called Fortress. It is supposed to be a language for the scientific community, and as he said "It is supposed to do for Fortran what Java did for C". By which he means remove the possibility for making the most common mistakes, as well as providing platform independance and multithreading. The goal is to make the syntax of the language as close to mathematical notation as possible, plus they want to grow the type system and compiler, which means that they have to have an extendable type system where the types are not built in but specified in libraries (which you can override with your own implementations of course). Very cool stuff.

Most of the rest of the day I spent in the track titled "What makes agile work?". The introduction was by Jutta Eckstein, and she talked about common pitfalls when adopting agile methods especially in large organizations. I'll do a separate post on that, as I think it is especially important for us in Statoil.

Similarly, Roman Pichler talked about a failed attempt of introducing agile in a company, and why that failed. The main reason was that the initiative came from management, and as soon as the going got though, the management backed out and reverted to the "safe" old ways of the gant chart and the project plan.

After lunch I enjoyed a session with Kevlin Henney, where he talks about the "Six faces of Agile Development". This are six different aspects of agile methods that influence how it works and how it can be implemented. The six faces are:
  • Practices
  • Organization
  • Architecture
  • Tools
  • Skills
  • Attitude
These are all aspects that needs to be considered when trying to adopt an agile methodology. Basically his message (as well as others in this talk): When it comes to adopting agile techniques, one size does not fit all. Be agile in becoming agile.

One of the most interesting talks of the day was by Jeff Sutherland (father of Scrum), on "Making good Scrum". The main message here was that Scrum easily gives you a productivity gain of the factor of 2, just by implementing it correctly. That is just by using product backlogs, sprints, daily scrums and so on. The potential, as shown by Toyota, and numerous examples in the IT industry, is a productivity gain in the order of 5-10 times. In order to acchieve this, the first step is to be really agressive in removing impediments for the teams. This attitude has to go all the way up to the top management. The next steps are really just becomming more agressive in the whole scrum implementation. Also the scrum implementation needs to be done throughout the organization, not just in the software development teams. The most successful companies, like PatientKeeper where Jeff now works as CTO, actually organize all levels of management as scrum teams. These are very cool idea that makes me look forward to the Scrum Master training class I'll be taking with him on Thursday and Friday.

Afther this, Esther Derby, author of many books, among others "Behind Closed Doors - Secrets of Great Managers" (which I recommend all should read), had a talk about "Organizational Culture and agile adoptation". This basically had to do with how different organization cultures influence how you can introduce agile methods. Nothing really new here, but it is important that we evaluate the culture when we try to implement agile methods.

For the last session of the day, I chose Eric Evans and his talk on how Domain Driven Design can benefit from Domain Specific Languages. Eric admits to being a little sceptical to DSLs and their use for core business domains. He thinks it might be just too complicated to build domain languages for business domains. Charles Simonyi from Intentional Software (the DSL guys referred to in Martin Fowlers Language Workbenches article) of course disagrees, and there was a little interesting discussion of this after the talk. Erics position is that the DSL are more useful for the generic subdomains, especially the technical ones. He used examples from time and money to show how a DSL could improve that code.

After the talk we had a little discussion between Eric Evans, Dave Thomas and Obie Fernandez (Ruby on Rails guy working for ThoughtWorks in the US) (I was there too, but contributed very little to the discussion ;-) . It started out with Dave commenting on that the stuff Eric is doing in Time and Money has already been done many times by others, for instance the code in Kent Becks TDD book (actually written for Dave by Ward Cunningham !!!), and that "real" languages has these concepts built in. He referred to technology developed as part of financial applications. The discussion went on to discuss quality of libraries for languages, and that there really isn't any market for this as people does not want to pay for them, which leads to questionable quality in many if not most cases. We also touched upon other languages like Ruby and Ruby on Rails, and Obie was saying that with JRuby we would be able to deploy Rails apps on Tomcat, which would be great because then companies hosting Java web apps can host Rails apps. Then Dave said that that will bring the servers down because the Java VM is not resource sharable, which basically means that each session has its own JVM with resources and instances of shared libraries and the whole shebang. My point in relating this is that talking to Dave (or listening to him) always leaves me with a mixed feeling. The guy has been around for so long, and done so many different things, that he more or less knows as everything works (at least that's what it feels like to me), so while I'm excited to learn this stuff, I'm also bummed out by his disillusioned outlook on things. I guess that it comes at time when we all start being more realistic. I certainly allways learn alot from these discussions.

After this I was quite exhausted after a long day, so I went to get some food and went to bed early. Tomorrow is another full day of interesting talks.

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